Why Private Credit?

  • Seniority in the capital structure supports an attractive, lower risk profile with the Australian regulatory regime providing strong collateral protections
  • Highly favourable investment landscape supported by reduced competition from traditional capital sources (i.e banks due to Basel III)
  • Less competition and disintermediation relative to other developed credit markets has produced an Australian private debt premia
  • Low or negative correlation with other major asset classes, with returns improving during periods of volatility providing resilience throughout the cycle
  • Current environment of high risk-free rates plus strong credit risk premia creating a favourable return period for private credit returns

Latest News & Insights

HMC reaches financial close on Payton acquisition
ASX Announcement HMC Capital Partners Fund Private Credit

HMC reaches financial close on Payton acquisition

HMC Capital Establishes Private Credit Platform & Equity Raising
ASX Announcement Media Announcement HMC Capital Partners Fund Private Credit

HMC Capital Establishes Private Credit Platform & Equity Raising